Last Update: November 27, 2003
hits since
October 10, 1997
1979 (==>
Advertisements, use of songs in ads for Greek beer, accounting firm, Canadian bank
African American Culture and Bob Dylan: Why He Matters
American Pie, Dylan references in
Ballad Of A Thin Man, homosexual content of
Ballad Of Donald White, the source of
Beacon Theater, unexpected exit through audience
Beatles (==> The Blacklisted Journalist)
Biograph, remastered reissue of
Biography (==> Rachel Klingberg)
Blood On The Tracks, Pete Hamill's liner notes to first pressing (==> Book Of Bob)
Bolton, Michael, co-writer of Steel Bars
Booing of Dylan by folkies in 1965
Bootleg industry in Japan (Matthew Zuckerman newspaper article)
Bootleg Series, Volumes 1-3 (Rare & Unreleased) (The), remastered reissue of
Boots, CD, vinyl . . .
Cancelling articles posted to or HYW61-L, information on how to
CEDAR (==>
Clothes line... (==> Rachel Klingberg)
Cohen, Leonard, a comparion of his and Dylan's song writing visions
Desolation Row, breakdown during performance of
Dillon, as source of name "Dylan"
Dunblane Against Guns, charity CD with added verse to Knockin' On Heaven's Door
EDLIS - Advice, Policies and Training
Flagging Down The Double Es, what are "double Es"
Flakes (Zappa parody of Dylan)
Flowers, wearing at concerts as the sign of
Fourth Time Around, similarity to Norwegian Wood
French introduction of Dylan in Houston (November 12, 1981)
Frequently Asked Questions for (==> John Howells' FAQ page)
Frequently Unanswered Questions for
Genuine Bootleg Series Take 2 (The)
Gold/Platinum Statistics [===> Robin Jatko]
Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen, would you please welcome Columbia recording artist, Bob Dylan!
Guitars Kissing & The Contemporary Fix
Highway 61 Interactive & Sound
Hospitalization with histoplasmosis in 1997
Hurricane (Rubin Carter) (==> Who's Who)
Japan 1997, Itsuko Nishimura tour reports (==> Sadiejane)
John Wesley Harding, Beatles' faces in the bark on the cover of
"Judas" Concert (Manchester 17 May 1966)
Knockin' On Heaven's Door, added verse on Dunblane charity CD
Leopard-Skin Pill-Box Hats re-Revisited
Lily, Rosemary & the Jack of Hearts, only live performance, Salt Lake City, May 25, 1976
Lily, Rosemary & the Jack of Hearts, screenplay
Little Sussie Shallow Throat (last track on the bootleg Hard To Find)
Lyric analysis (==> Crazy Chester)
Mondegreens (==> Bringing It All Back Home, Am I Right)
Moonshine (ballet set to Dylan songs)
Motorcycle accident in 1966, model of Triumph Dylan was riding
New York City, Walkin' [===> Rachel Klingberg]
Non-circulating shows 1975-1997
Oates, Joyce Carol, dedication of short story to Dylan
O'Connor, Sinead, booing at 30th Anniversary Concert
One More Cup Of Coffee, fan kills mother while listening to
Passport birth date / height (on The Bootleg Series Vol. 1-3 booklet)
Positively 4th Street, at whom is it directed
Private concert for Japanese brokerage firm
Rainy Day Women #12 & 35, meaning of title
Repetitively Released Song Versions
Setlists, concerts for which no setlists or incomplete setlists are known to exist
Shelter From The Storm, version on Jerry Maguire soundtrack
Silvio, not referring to Cuban poet/songwriter Silvio Rodriguez
Song titles, alternatives (==> Laguna)
Steel Bars, co-written with Michael Bolton
Tokyo International Forum shows (February 1997), review of
Under The Red Sky, liner notes offer
Unplugged, Dylan's MTV Unplugged appearance
VCD (==> Oleg
(==> Stephen Dunthorne)
Vinyl in print
Visions of
Johanna (==> Who's Who)
Wallflowers UseNet Newsgroup (==>
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