Acceptable Use Policy

The Bob Dylan Boot Database (BDBDB) CD & vinyl boot listings are provided as a free service to Dylan fans. These files, as well as the EDLIS Who Has Which Boot referral service, are possible only because hundreds of fans have listed their collections in the BDBDB & volunteered to provide assistance to those with questions. Countless hours by hundreds of people generated these lists. For more about the service, consult the mini-FAQ.

When you access the EDLIS - Bob Dylan Boot Database, you agree to use the files only for personal, hobby-related and/or scholarly purposes.

Any commercial or for-profit use of these files is prohibited. While EDLIS cannot restrict access to these files by bona fide law enforcement agencies & will gladly cooperate up to but excluding disclosure of personal encryption passphrases, any use of these files or the referral service by private investigation, "enforcement" outfits -- including the RIAA -- & "consultants" is unacceptable. Similarly, the BDBDB is not intended as a marketing tool for those who sell bootlegs; the official policy of this agency is not to recommend vendors. All of the above policies are subject to the EDLIS Kickback, Bribery & Corruption Policy (Vol. III, Sect. 24.a., EDLIS Basic Training Series, 1996). For details, contact Ed Ricardo. If you are an author researching for paid publication, please contact EDLIS -- we'd like to know, perhaps help :-). If these (rather generous) terms are unacceptable to you, you're in the wrong place, my friend, you'd better leave. So, If you gotta go, go now! Do not use the username & password on this page, and forget you ever heard of the BDBDB.